## Cabinet Division Announces Test Date and Call Letters for 2024 Recruitment Drive

Islamabad, 15th February 2023: The Cabinet Division has officially announced the test date and call letter availability for its 2024 recruitment drive. The written examination for positions ranging from BPS-1 to BPS-5 will be held on 20th June 2024. The call letters for candidates applying for BPS-6 to BPS-15 positions will be issued shortly.

Roll Number Slip and Call Letter Download

Candidates can download their roll number slips and call letters by visiting the Cabinet Division’s official website. The following steps outline the download process:

1. Navigate to the “Careers” section of the website.
2. Click on the “Roll Number Slip” link.
3. Enter your registration number or CNIC.
4. Click on the “Download” button.
5. Save and print the downloaded slip.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Cabinet Division recruitment drive, candidates must meet the following criteria:

* Pakistani citizenship
* Age limit as per the advertised positions
* Educational qualifications as specified in the job notifications
* Physical and mental fitness

Exam Pattern

The written examination for BPS-1 to BPS-5 positions will consist of two papers:

* General Knowledge (50 marks)
* Subject-Specific (100 marks)

Important Instructions

* Candidates must bring their original CNIC card and roll number slip to the exam venue.
* Latecomers will not be allowed to sit for the examination.
* Candidates are advised to arrive at the exam venue at least 30 minutes before the scheduled time.
* Electronic devices, such as mobile phones and calculators, are not permitted in the exam hall.

Contact Information

For any further queries or assistance, candidates can contact the Cabinet Division at:

* Address: Red Zone, Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory 44000
* Phone: (051) 9051482


The Cabinet Division’s announcement of the test date and call letter availability marks a significant milestone in the recruitment process. Candidates are encouraged to download their roll number slips and prepare diligently for the examination. The Cabinet Division is committed to conducting a fair and transparent recruitment process, ensuring the selection of competent individuals who will make valuable contributions to the organization.

By admin