Ricky Smith Obituary

Ricky Smith Obituary

Personal Information

  • Born: July 21, 1948 in Cullman
  • Parents: Crawford and Vada Smith

Religious Beliefs and Service

Ricky Smith was a devoted Christian and an active member of Living Faith Baptist Church for many years. He enjoyed discussing Bible passages with others.

Business and Career

Ricky was a skilled handyman who established his own business, Smith Appliance and TV Service, in 1987. He estimated that he had worked on approximately 75% of the homes in Cullman County before retiring in 2016.

Hobbies and Activities

In his spare time, Ricky enjoyed hunting and was an avid member of the R & R Hunting Club in Marion County, Alabama.

Family and Relationships

Ricky is survived by his wife and caregiver, Dee Smith, his children Karla Billiot, Angie Baker Letson, Jenny Letson, Chellie Letson Wall, Mikaela Hunkapiller, Jaisa Stephens, Tony Smith, Brian Smith, and Joey Letson, as well as numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and other family members.

Preceded in Death

Ricky was preceded in death by his parents, Crawford and Vada Baugh Smith, and his sister Elba Faye Collins.

Funeral Arrangements

  • Visitation: Monday, April 29, 2024 from 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. at Living Faith Baptist Church
  • Service: Monday, April 29, 2024 at 2 p.m. at Living Faith Baptist Church, officiated by Bro. Larry Brown
  • Burial: Immediately following the service at Cullman City Cemetery


Ricky’s six grandsons will serve as pallbearers: Joe Billiot, Adam Billiot, JJ Letson, Anthony Smith, Austin Smith, and Bailey Smith.

Condolence and Contact Information

To express condolences or for more information, please visit www.cullmanfuneralhome.com


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