Six Ibero-American Animation Projects Embark on Global Stage at Annecy Animation Festival’s La Liga Focus
Annecy, France – As the world’s leading animation industry professionals gather at the prestigious Annecy Animation Festival, the Ibero-American Animation League (La Liga) is set to showcase a captivating lineup of six projects at its La Liga Focus pitching event on June 12, 2024.
This highly anticipated showcase represents a testament to the burgeoning collaboration and cross-cultural exchange within the Ibero-American animation industry. The selected projects, hailing from Costa Rica, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, and Argentina, encompass a diverse range of genres and themes, reflecting the vibrancy and innovation of the region’s animation scene.
A Deep Dive into the La Liga Focus Projects
1. “Agua Dulce” (Costa Rica)
– A poignant 3D short drama that explores the life of a grandfather left alone after a lifetime of caring for his family.
2. “Bolla” (Mexico)
– A charming 2D series that follows Puc, an elf who discovers an extraordinary seed that holds the power to protect nature.
3. “Knightmares” (Mexico)
– A thrilling 2D horror comedy series that centers on a terrified teen who summons a monster that turns fears into reality.
4. “Los Tesoros de Marta” (Chile)
– A whimsical 2D fantasy comedy series that follows three scout kids as they embark on adventures in search of hidden treasures.
5. “Se eu morrer” (Brazil/France/Spain)
– A powerful stop-motion animated documentary that shines a light on the horrors of a brutal dictatorship in Brazil.
6. “Seed” (Argentina)
– A visually stunning CGI feature film that follows a tiny sprout on a quest to discover its identity and the interconnectedness of all living beings.
In an interview with Variety, Silvina Cornillon, head of Animation!, explained the significance of the La Liga platform: “Animation is an increasingly collaborative industry, and La Liga exemplifies the benefits of teamwork across Ibero-America. By fostering co-production and mutual support, we aim to increase the visibility of our region’s content on global screens.”
The selection of projects for the La Liga Focus pitching event is a testament to the growing recognition of Ibero-American animation. In addition to the projects highlighted above, La Liga members have recently celebrated notable successes. The Mexican producers of “Knightmares” have secured a co-production letter of interest from Cartoon Network Latin America, while the creators of “Bolla” have received funding from the Mexican Film Institute (Imcine) to develop a short film based on their feature project.
As the Annecy Animation Festival continues to showcase the latest and greatest in animation from around the world, the La Liga Focus event will provide a unique opportunity to discover the vibrant and diverse offerings from the Ibero-American region. These six projects, each with its unique story and artistic vision, are poised to make a lasting impact on the global animation landscape.