Tom Davies, a distinguished British journalist and author, passed away at the age of 82 due to complications from dementia and pneumonia. A renowned figure in the Fleet Street era of the 1970s, Davies penned the esteemed diary columns “Atticus” for the Sunday Times and “Pendennis” for the Observer.
His unconventional spirit earned him the apt description of an “idiosyncratic volcano” from fellow journalist Peter Deeley. Davies’ journalistic career took flight after his formative years as a teacher with Voluntary Service Overseas in Southeast Asia and at a secondary school in Cardiff. In 1966, he embarked on his journalism journey as a trainee at the Western Mail.
Over the span of 15 years, Davies’ exceptional writing graced the pages of the Sunday Times, the Observer, and the Sunday Telegraph. His freelance contributions extended to various other publications and radio broadcasts. Davies’ legacy extends beyond his captivating diary columns, as he authored several notable books.
Beyond his journalistic endeavors, Davies was a dedicated family man. He will be deeply missed by his wife, children, and grandchildren. His memory will endure as a testament to his incisive wit, unparalleled storytelling, and unwavering commitment to journalism.