SPSC SST Exam Results and Key Developments


The Sindh Public Service Commission (SPSC) has announced the release of answer keys and the upcoming announcement of results for the Subject Specialist Teacher (SST) exams held from April 23rd to May 7th, 2024. This article provides comprehensive information about the SST results, merit list, and key updates from the SPSC.

SST Exam Key Developments

– Answer Key Release: The SPSC has released the answer keys for both male and female candidates for various categories, including Science and General categories. Candidates can download the answer keys from the official website (www.spsc.gov.pk).
– Result Announcement: The SST Result 2024 is expected to be announced shortly, as per SPSC sources. Candidates are advised to check the official website for the latest updates.
– Merit List and Candidate List: The merit list and candidate list will be made available online after the results declaration. Candidates can check their results and ranks using their name, CNIC, or roll number.
– Interview Schedule: The SPSC will announce the interview dates for shortlisted candidates after the release of results.

SPSC Lecturer Results and Announcement

The SPSC has also declared the results for Lecturer BPS 17 in various subjects for the College Education Department in Sindh. The written test results for Commerce, Statistics, Islamic Studies, Mathematics, Geography, and Economics are now available. Candidates can check their results online.

SPSC Recruitment and Examination Process

The SPSC is responsible for conducting competitive exams and recruiting civil servants and bureaucrats for the Sindh government. The recruitment process involves:

– Application and Screening: Candidates apply for SPSC exams based on eligibility criteria set by the Commission. Applications are then screened, and eligible candidates are shortlisted.
– Written Test: Shortlisted candidates take a written test covering relevant subject matter and general knowledge.
– Interview: Successful candidates in the written test appear for an interview, which carries significant weightage in the final merit.
– Merit List and Selection: The final merit list is prepared based on candidates’ performance in the written test and interview. The top-performing candidates are selected for the advertised positions.


The SST and Lecturer results announcement by the SPSC is a significant development for candidates aspiring to serve as teachers and lecturers in Sindh. Candidates can check the official website for the latest updates on results, merit lists, and interview schedules. The SPSC’s commitment to a fair and transparent recruitment process ensures that the most qualified candidates are selected for government positions in Sindh.

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