University of Sargodha Announces 2024 First and Second Annual Examinations

Sargodha, Pakistan – The University of Sargodha has officially declared the schedule for its First and Second Annual Examinations for the academic year 2023-2024.

Roll Number Slip Availability

Students can access their Roll Number Slips online through the university’s official website. The university typically issues roll number slips approximately a week before the commencement of examinations. Students should visit the relevant department to collect their physical roll number slips after they are issued.

Examination Schedule

The First Annual Examination is scheduled to commence in June 2024. Specific dates and times will be indicated on the Roll Number Slip.

Roll Number Slip Importance

Roll Number Slips serve as essential documents for students during examinations. They provide crucial information such as:

* Examination schedule, including dates, days, and venues
* Candidate’s personal information
* Examination center details

Students are strongly advised to bring their Roll Number Slips to the examination hall as they are mandatory for admission.

Additional Information

Associate Degree Examinations:

* The First Annual Examination for Associate Degree in Arts (ADA) and Associate Degree in Science (ADS) will be held on May 23, 2024.
* The Second Annual Examination will be held in December 2024 (dates to be announced).

Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Examinations:

* The First and Second Annual Examinations for Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BSc), Master of Arts (MA), and Master of Science (MSc) will be held as per the university’s academic calendar.

Private Candidate Roll Numbers:

Private candidates can retrieve their Roll Number Slips using their CNIC number and discipline on the university’s official website.

Updates and Resources:

For the latest updates and resources regarding the University of Sargodha Roll Number Slips 2024, students are encouraged to visit the official website:


The University of Sargodha urges all students to prepare diligently for their upcoming examinations. By adhering to the announced schedule and obtaining their Roll Number Slips promptly, students can ensure a successful and stress-free examination experience.

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