Jayne Braswell Cobb Obituary

Early Life and Education

Jayne Braswell Cobb was born on July 13, 1937, in South Walter, Alabama, to Rev. A. E. and Mrs. Johnnie Braswell. She was the youngest of a large farming family. She displayed a passion for music at an early age, studying piano and sharing her talent at church and Vacation Bible Schools. Jayne graduated from Hanceville High School in 1955.

Marriage and Family

Jayne married her high school sweetheart, Bill Cobb, in 1956. They had four daughters: Pam, Sheri, April, and Kelli. Jayne prioritized her family, especially during her children’s childhood when she made prom dresses and encouraged their interests.

Creative Pursuits and Passion for VBS

After dedicating herself to raising her family, Jayne pursued her passions in her later years. She explored macramé, ceramics, golfing, and abstract painting. Vacation Bible School remained close to her heart, and she served as VBS Director at Simcoe Baptist Church and First Baptist Church of Fairview for many years.

Legacy and Family

Jayne passed away on May 16, 2023, at the age of 86. She is survived by her loving husband of 67 years, Bill Cobb; her daughters; seven grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and many nieces, nephews, and friends. Jayne’s arrival in heaven was greeted by her parents, siblings, and granddaughter.

Celebration of Life

Visitation will be held at First Baptist Church of Fairview on Sunday, May 19, at 2 p.m. The funeral service will follow at 3 p.m., with Dr. David Chambers officiating. A reception will conclude the afternoon’s events. Guests are encouraged to wear their favorite pins and brooches in honor of Jayne’s love for decorative accessories.

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