## TikTok Star @future4caster Comes Out as Trigender
Emily Skvarch, a popular TikTok star known as @future4caster (with over 580,000 followers), recently shared a video coming out as trigender. The announcement was met with an overwhelmingly positive response from her audience, with many commending her bravery and expressing their support. Comments included messages of happiness for Skvarch’s comfort in sharing her truth and admiration for her self-acceptance.
In her viral video, Skvarch explained that being trigender means simultaneously identifying with three genders: male, female, and non-binary. She clarified the difference between being trigender and gender-fluid, emphasizing that her experience is consistent and doesn’t fluctuate between genders. “I feel all three of these genders at the same time. All the time,” she stated.
Skvarch acknowledged the diverse perspectives on gender identity, recognizing that some individuals don’t consider non-binary a “third” gender, but rather a separate category altogether. However, she explained that for her, it represents a distinct third aspect of her gender identity. She also noted in her video caption that she identifies as transgender.
According to the Gender Wiki, trigender identity is characterized by three key elements: multiplicity (identifying with three specific genders), fluidity (potentially transitioning between these genders or experiencing them concurrently), and diverse combinations (including any mix of binary and non-binary identities). This falls under the broader umbrella of multigender identities, encompassing individuals who identify with more than one gender. It differs from identities like bigender (two genders) or polygender (multiple genders beyond three).
Skvarch’s personal experience highlights the individual and nuanced nature of trigender identity, shaped by individual emotions, cultural contexts, and societal influences. Her open and honest communication serves as a valuable contribution to the ongoing conversation surrounding gender identity and expression.